1. But animals of this age do not easily become subservient to man, and a very firm hand must be employed in the early stages.

2. Thousands of people are employed in the manufacture of shoes.

3. They employed a few farmhands, but no one was willing to work there long.

4. Hmmm. Obviously into the worst stages. Definitely not possible to be employed.

5. Data from twelve industrialized countries found that women employed in regular jobs worked about 20 percent longer hours than regularly employed men.

6. Aunt Harriet lived in that leisurely age when servants were employed to do housework.

7. A mariner is a sailor employed by a ship´s company.

8. Aunt Harriet lived in that leisurely age when servants were employed to do housework.

9. Another interesting fact about this hall is that while fourteen thousand workers were employed in its construction, citizens of Beijing could give whatever volunteer help they wanted to, and many thousands did so at week-ends, in the evenings, or dur

10. Mozart's father was a musician employed at a noble's court who was teaching his son to sing and play almost before he could walk.