1. Weekly we read of unions that went on strike for higher wages, only to drive their employer out of business.
    我们每周都在报纸上读到, 工会在为要求更高的工资而罢工,结果却只是使他们的老板破了产。

2. His employer censured him for neglecting his work .

3. ´I must be at work at 10 o´clock. My employer will confirm that I was there on time.´

4. My employer will confirm that I was there on time.

5. My employer will confirm that I was there on time.

6. I caught the employer´s attention and aroused his curiosity.

7. I concluded by appealing to the employer as "a man of experience" and simultaneously peaking his curiousity in me.
    我提出这位雇主是有经验的人当作理由来作结论, 同时使他对我的好奇达到顶点。