1. The children were surprised by the sudden entry of their teacher. 老师突然进来把孩子们吓了一跳.
2. They made a forcible entry into the building. 他们强行进入这个大楼。
3. The last entry I would ever make in my diary from Hitler's Berlin: 我在希特勒统治下的柏林的最后一则日记该这样写:
4. At one doorway a clerk physically blocked the entrance apparently to discourage our entry. 在一个入口处,一名营业员用身体挡住了大门,显然是想打消我们进去的念头。
5. So their entry into this flat was apparently not the burglars´ first job that day and they must have been disturbed. 很明显,闯进这套公寓的窃贼那天并不是首次作案,而且他一定受了惊吓。
6. It was as clear as daylight then that burglars had forced an entry during her absence. 事情很清楚,在她外出时,窃贼曾闯进家门。