1. This will lull them into a false sense of security. 这会使他们产生一种虚假的安全感。
2. To further prepare myself, I offered readings to friends, including a scientist who makes a career of proving popular beliefs to be false. 为了准备充分些,我还主动为朋友们解读牌运,包括为一位科学家,他的职业就是证实一些流行观点的谬误。
3. He was decoyed by a false message (into entering enemy territory). 他被假情报诱骗(进入敌区).
4. Have you had a false tooth inserted? 你镶上假牙了吗?
5. A whale is a fish. True or false? 鲸鱼是一种鱼. 对还是错?
6. And most of all, he bought the run-down Gordon Arms Hotel and totally restored it, transforming it from a mess into a glorious first-class hotel with 30 handsomely furnished rooms, wood-paneled stairs, false bookshelves with fake leather books and an 而最主要的,是他将年久失修的戈登·阿姆斯旅馆买下并完全改装,将这堆废墟变成了一座富丽堂皇的一流宾馆,内有30间装修华丽的房间,木质镶嵌的楼梯,摆满了人造皮革装订的书籍的书架,和一间高级餐厅。
7. Smiling does not mean you have to put on a false face or pretend you are happy all of the time. 微笑并不意味着你必须戴上一副假面具,或是假装一直都挺快乐。
8. Parents sometimes weaken the process by taking the forms and filling in false and wishful data about their children's habits, especially on the smoking question. 有时家长会拿走表格,填入不真实的、一厢情愿的数据来反映他们孩子的习惯,特别是在吸烟问题上,这就削弱了这种做法的作用。
9. His very concepts of the true and the false will still have reference to his particular traditional customs. 人们关于真与伪的概念依然和特定的传统风俗有关。