1. That candy store uses fancy tape to tie all packages.

2. That candy store uses fancy tape to tie all packages.

3. The eagerness of my fancy prevailed and to work I went.

4. That's about as fancy as I got.

5. Did I really hear someone come in, or was it only a fancy?

6. ´Hello, Nigel,´ I said. ´Fancy meeting you here!´

7. "But don't try anything fancy," he warned.
    "可别做异想天开的事," 他警告说。

8. A labor inspector took the Disney organization to court this week, contending that the company's dress and appearance code — which bans moustaches, beards, excess weight, short skirts and fancy stockings — offends individual liberty and violates Fren

9. She was too excited to do any housework that morning, for in the evening she would be going to a fancy-dress party with her husband.

10. I did not fancy the idea and I reluctantly followed Robert out of the room.