1. Below are some predictions made by Richard N. Farmer, who gave his light-hearted opinion of the "World of 2084."
    下面是理查德 N·法默所作的一些预测,他以轻松愉快的心情为 “2084年的世界” 描绘了一幅充满妙趣的图画。

2. When farmer spray poison to kill plant pests, poison is sent into the air the water and the soil.
    农民为了杀死害虫而喷撒农药的时候,有毒物就被排放到空气中, 水里和土壤里.

3. There´s no substantial difference between a metropolitan and a farmer.

4. The proprietor of the store was formerly a farmer.

5. The farmer sets traps to catch the rats.

6. He is a farmer.

7. His father is a thrifty farmer.

8. He is a farmer.

9. "I was delighted when she won the election, because men elected her," said Lydiah Kimani, an Embu farmer and political activist.
    "她胜出我很高兴,因为是男人们选举了她," 恩布市的一位农民政治活动家利迪亚·基曼尼如是说。

10. Many farmer´s fields are irrigated by water brought from a river or lake through bamboo pipes.