1. But it isn´t only a question of feeling grateful for what they did for us.

2. But this time, the feeling didn't pass; the dragon had become a part of me.

3. But one can't help feeling Chaplin would have regarded this strange incident as a fitting memorial — his way of having the last laugh on a world to which he had given so many.

4. We have a feeling of expectancy.

5. When she smoked Marlboros and Players I hardened myself against feeling so bad; nobody I knew ever smoked these brands.
    当她抽"万宝路"及"运动员"牌香烟时,我硬起心肠, 不让自己感到难过。我认识的人当中没有那个抽过这两种牌子的香烟。

6. What a feeling that was! How can I explain?

7. When someone "has a feeling" about someone else, people more often laugh than pay attention.

8. What a relief (松口气). I'm feeling totally lacking in organization (杂乱无序), mainly because I am totally lacking in organization.

9. The old woman had a benevolent feeling towards all cats.

10. The hot, tropical weather created a feeling of lassitude.
    炎热的热带气候使人困倦, 昏昏欲睡。