1. But a single optical fiber with a diameter of less than half a millimeter can carry more information than a large cable made of copper wires.

2. By installing optical fiber, digital switches, and the latest wireless transmission systems, a parade of urban centers and industrial zones from Beijing to Budapest are stepping directly into the Information Age.

3. By the end of 1995, each of China's provincial capitals except for Tibet will have digital switches and high-capacity optical fiber links.

4. The doctor recommended more fiber in his diet.

5. To lick this problem, Russia is starting to install optical fiber and has a strategic plan to pump $40 billion into various communications projects.

6. Despite a per person income of just $220 a year, all of the 300,000 lines Vietnam plans to add annually will be optical fiber with digital switching, rather than cheaper systems that send electrons over copper wires.

7. Lasers shooting light through glass fiber can transmit 250,000 times as much data as a standard telephone wire, or tens of thousands of paragraphs such as this one every second.

8. Fibreglass is one sort of fiber.

9. Fiber-optic cable, for example — made up of hair-thin glass fibers — is a tremendously efficient carrier of information.
    例如,光纤电缆 -- 由细如发丝的玻璃纤维制成 -- 是一种极为高效的信息载体。