1. The fierce rat is tussling with a grown rabbit. 又大又凶的老鼠在跟大兔子扭斗了.
2. The fierce glare on his face stopped me from talking. 他面带怒色,使我不能讲话。
3. The tiger is a fierce animal. 虎是一种凶猛的动物.
4. He launched into a fierce polemic against the government´s policies. 他猛烈地抨击政府的政策.
5. At times the heat was so fierce they could only travel at night, resting during the day in hammocks slung between trees. 有时候,炎热是如此的酷烈,以致于他们只能在夜间行走,白天在两棵树之间悬挂的吊床上休息。
6. After a fierce campaign, the council elected her, 7 to 6. 经过一场激烈的竞选,她以7比6当选。
7. Competition between ourselves, person against person, community against community, still persists, however; and it is as fierce as it ever was. 然而人类之间的战争,人与人,团体与团体,依然在进行着,而且和以前一样激烈。
8. No running fights with large, fierce rats or tussles with grown rabbits 它就不必再和又大又凶的老鼠边跑边博斗了,也不必再和大兔子扭斗了,