1. The baby is sucking its finger.

2. Taking a glass of water from the table, I put my finger over the end of the straw and allow a few drops of the cool moisture to slide into her mouth and ease her thirst.

3. He put his finger in his mouth to show that he needed food.

4. He let Nicky shake his finger, and seemed as though he would like to go on talking.

5. Some bamboo is thinner than your little finger. Some is much thicker than your waist.
    某些种类的竹子比小手指还细. 某些则比腰还要粗得多.

6. I gave my finger a prick with a needle.

7. I am sure the priest himself cannot say such beautiful things as you do, though he lives in a three-storeyed house, and wears a gold ring on his little finger."
    我相信,就连我们的牧师,尽管他住的是三层楼房,小手指上带着 金戒指,也讲不出你这样美妙的话来。”

8. It is a popular myth that great geniuses — the Einsteins, Picassos and Mozarts of this world — spring up out of nowhere as if touched by the finger of God.
    有一种流行的说法,世界上的伟大天才 -- 爱因斯坦们、毕加索们、莫扎特们,不知从什么地方突然冒了出来,似乎都是造物主的神功使然。