1. We often go fishing together.

2. When European explorers first came to the New World, the fishing grounds off what would become eastern Canada and New England held abundant cod and other species.

3. The fishing fleet sails from the bay every morning.

4. The nomads who made these markings lived by hunting and fishing during the last Ice Age.

5. The nomads who made these markings lived by hunting and fishing during the last Ice Age .

6. The nomads who made these markings lived by hunting and fishing during the last Ice Age which began about 35,000 B.C. and ended about 10,000 B.C.

7. The area, called the Grand Banks, was the most abundant fishing ground in the world.

8. Those little things — reading mystery novels, playing volleyball, spending time with family and friends, playing with the dog, going fishing — may seem relatively insignificant means to a healthy end.
    那些小事情——如阅读神秘小说、打排球、花时间和家人及朋友一起、跟狗一起玩耍、去钓鱼——对实现健康的目的而言, 似乎是一些不太起眼的方法,

9. The man came riding along the river road to the place where the customs officer was fishing. He got off his bicycle.

10. Now, 500 years later, excessive fishing has reduced the number of fish to dangerously low levels.