1. By then, I was flat on my face on the pathway, its dirt against my forehead. 这时,我已面朝下趴在了地上,地上的尘土紧贴着我的前额。
2. But as I leaned over to stroke her forehead, what she said was, "I wish I had your hair" and "I wish I was well." 然而就在我俯身轻抚她的前额时,她说了两句话:"我希望我有你这样的头发!"和"我希望我能好起来。"
3. The doctor felt the child´s forehead and found the fever was gone. 医生摸摸孩子的前额发现热度已经退了。
4. Roosevelt was about to say something when in the flick of an eye great drops of sweat began beading off his face and he put a shaky hand to his forehead. 罗斯福正准备说话,但转眼间脸上忽然涌出大滴大滴的汗珠,他举起颤抖的手去摸自己的额头。