1. Battle after battle was fought.

2. When he was a child, he was pugnacious and fought with everyone.
    他小时候很好斗, 跟每个人都打过架。

3. The two armies fought for control of the bridge.

4. They fought with all their might.

5. This battle, one of fiercest of the century, was fought between the armies of France and Italy on the one side and Austria on the other.

6. He fought in the N African campaign during the last war.

7. He fought bravely in many battles and gained their respect.
    在多次战役中他英勇作战, 从而赢得了大家的尊敬.

8. All humanitarians fought against slavery.

9. As I fought back, he drew his sword and thrust it at me."
    当我还手的时候, 他拔出剑来向我刺来.

10. A match was held at Stilton, where both men fought for an hour.