1. With this pace, I lived in low-grade terror — and I was only a part-time worker. 生活在这种节奏下,我提心吊胆,好在我只是兼职。
2. There are six classes in Grade One. 一年级有六个班,
3. They were in the same grade, even though Autumn was a year older. 她俩同年级,尽管秋比桑迪大一岁。做作业时,
4. The Japanese spent $10.9 billion for teaching outside of regular classes last year, according to the institute, including $9 billion on jukus for students in the ninth grade or below — almost double the figure spent seven years ago. 据该机构调查,去年日本人花在正常课堂教学之外的开支为109亿美元,其中90亿是花在课外学校,用于九年级或九年级以下的学生,这几乎是七年前的两倍。
5. How many classes are there in Grade One? 一年级有几个班?
6. "If they're doing really badly in a subject, that makes kids want to cheat so they can get a better grade," says first Class Scout Ben Patrick, 11, from Troop 69, Palatine, Illinois. "孩子们如果某一门功课学得实在太差,他们就会想作弊,这样他们就能得个好一点的分数。"本·帕特里克说。本,11岁,来自伊利诺伊州的帕拉蒂尼,是第69中队的一名一等童子军。
7. Pupils with 90% or more are awarded Grade A. 满90分的学生评为甲等.
8. In the seventh grade, I started taking drugs. 上七年级时,我开始吸毒。
9. For middle school students: a zero or no grade on the assignment or the test on which the student cheated. 中学生作弊:作弊的那次作业或考试作零分计或不给分;
10. For each course, students get a grade for academic achievement and for "best effort". 在每门课程中,学生都会得到一个综合了学习成绩和"努力程度"的分数。