1. Both marriage and family involve long-term obligations and responsibility for shared care, not just the search of happiness, that hollow goal of the modern age.

2. We didn´t realize the fragility of the happiness.

3. We can now not only choose our marriage partner, we also can divorce that partner at will, subject children to our own adult worship of happiness, and deny the other parent any regular contact with their children.

4. The possession of wealth does not always conduce to happiness.

5. They hoped to live in perpetual happiness.

6. The revolution brought happiness to the people.

7. The Victorians, realizing that the greatest happiness accorded to man is that provided by a happy marriage.
    维多利亚时代的人领会到, 赋于人生最大的幸福乃来自幸福的婚姻.

8. This kind of variability not only loosens the parents' ability to set limits, it also sours the parent-child relationship to some degree, robbing parents and their children of some of the happiness and mutual respect that is present in healthy famili
    这样的反复无定不但削弱了父母管教孩子的能力,同时也在某种程度上使父母与子女之间的关系变味 -- 使家长和子女失去存在于健康家庭里的某些幸福和相互尊重。

9. The whole point of marriage is that it imposes clear obligations, not just the right to pursue your own happiness.

10. The Love Family is either too casual for children — your friends have no obligation to provide for them — or it's too unstable, with adults moving on if the relationship no longer answers their search for perfect happiness.
    "情爱家庭"对孩子来说,要么太随意 —— 新的伴侣对你的孩子没有抚养责任,要么太不稳定,成年人一旦感到他们的关系无法满足自己对完美幸福的追求,就会转而他求。