1. Even these hard parts may crumble to dust.

2. But scientists are working hard to turn them into realities.
    但是, 科学家们正在努力工作, 以便把想法变成现实.

3. But Hunter worked so hard that he overstrained his heart.

4. But she had had a hard life and it had knocked the youth and good looks out of her.

5. By comparison, nearly half of male high-school students express their preference for a traditional, male-headed, one provider, nuclear family, where the wife stays home as mother and housewife.
    与此相比, 几乎有一半男中学生表达了他们对传统的、以男人为家长的、只有一个人养家糊口的核心家庭的偏爱,在这种家庭里妻子作为母亲和家庭主妇呆在家里。

6. We sought long and hard but found no answer.

7. We tugged so hard that the rope broke.

8. It pleasant to escape to a time when life,though hard, was relatively simple.

9. Whether the remarkable growth of organized camping means the eventual death of the more independent kind is hard to say.

10. We have just moved into a new house and I have been working hard all morning.