1. She looked into every corner in search of unreported appliances, or maids, or a roast pig in the oven, or a new helicopter parked out back. 她寻遍每个角落,想找出我未上报的电器,或者是女仆、烤炉里的烤猪、停在房后新买的直升飞机什么的。
2. It was not long before a helicopter arrived on the scene to rescue the survivors of the plane crash. 不久,一架直升飞机飞到现场,来搭救失事飞机的幸存者。
3. It was not long before a helicopter arrived on the scene to rescue the survivors of the plane crash. 不久,一架直升飞机飞到现场,来搭救失事飞机的幸存者。
4. It was not long before a helicopter arrived on the scene to rescue the survivors of the plane crash. 不久,一架直升飞机飞到现场,来搭救失事飞机的幸存者。
5. It was not long before a helicopter arrived on the scene to rescue the survivors of the plane crash. 不久,一架直升飞机飞抵飞机失事现场,来搭救这几个幸存者。