1. But how did you hide your illegal goods?"

2. Workaholics, on the other hand, are often disorganized, always find reasons for working more, feel lost without work to do, hide from problems through work,
    而工作狂们常常是缺乏条理, 总在寻找理由想做得更多些,没有工作可做时就感到不知所措,想通过工作来躲避问题。

3. When my father sent love letters to my mother, my grandmother would open and then hide them.

4. When she came to visit, I would hide my diary.

5. They made no effort to hide their amusement whenever I produced a packet of sweets from my pocket.

6. The machine was used in a cave near the seashore where----it is said----pirates used to hide gold.

7. They made no effort to hide their amusement whenever I produced a packet of sweets from my pocket.

8. The information probably goes into some computer, never to be removed; and while I have nothing to hide, the thought is unsettling.

9. Two years later, in 1915, this animal was sold for $100 and killed for meat, a hide, and a wall decoration made from its horns.

10. He could not hide his embarrassment.