1. The future does not seem very hopeful. 前途似乎有点不妙.
2. A brighter promise for the hopeful traveller who has sworn to get away from it all. 而对于发誓用露营来摆脱烦恼的人来说,却带来了更光明的前景。
3. And even though I was hopeful throughout the dinner that my mother would somehow see Rich's kindness, his sense of humor and charm, I knew he had failed miserably in her eyes. 虽然吃饭时, 我一直希望我妈妈能从某种角度看到里奇的善良、幽默感和魅力,但是我知道在她的眼里里奇是一败塗地了。
4. For them discipline in one form or another is the most hopeful path. 但这是徒劳的。对他们来说,用某种形式的纪律约束他们一下才能有希望使他们走上正道。