1. We informed him that the fissure extended for fifty yards and was two feet wide and four feet deep. 我们告诉他那个大裂缝长50码,宽2英尺,深4英尺。
2. The policeman in question was severely reprimanded and was informed that if any further complaints were lodged against him, he would be prosecuted. 当事的警察受到严厉的斥责,并被告知,如果再有人投诉他,他将受到起诉。
3. However, he had at last been allowed to send a fax in which he informed the editor 不过,他终于获准发回了一份传真。在传真中他告诉编辑,
4. He informed the station at once, but no one there was able to explain the mystery. 他马上把情况报告了该基地,但那里的人没有一个能解释这到底是怎么回事。
5. AIDS spreads only in limited ways and can be prevented through informed and mature behavior. 艾滋病传播方式有限,可以通过已知的理性行为加以防范。
6. You picture yourself going home to your parents or spouse and being informed, "Your services as our daughter / my wife are no longer required. Pick up your baby pictures as you leave." 你想像着你正回家去与父母或配偶团聚,却听到他们说:"再也没有人需要你来尽一个女儿或妻子的义务了。走时把你儿时的照片也带走吧。"
7. Glancing at his map, he informed us that the next village was a mere twenty miles away. 他瞥了一眼地图,告诉我们前面再走不到20英里就是一个村庄。
8. He immediately telephoned the police and informed them that two students dressed up as workmen were tearing up the road with a pneumatic drill. 马上打电话报告警察,说有两个学生装扮成工人,正在用风钻破坏路面。
9. It makes perfect sense to say that adult persons have a right not to be cloned without their voluntary, informed consent. 未经通知并征得本人同意,成年人有权不被克隆,这是完全合理的。
10. In order for it to be of value to most people, individuals need to become informed about what is possible and how being connected will be of benefit. 为了使其对大多数人有价值,人们应该了解哪些是可能做到的,以及连通后如何能从中受益。