1. Everything was so relaxed it did not seem possible that the conference was about to make decisions involving the fortunes of millions of people.

2. But surely there aren't many cases of marriage fraud involving Italians, I suggested.
    但牵涉到意大利人的结婚骗局案肯定不会多, 我这样对他说。

3. Despite one of history's most extensive search efforts, involving more than 300 planes and dozens of ships, the Navy found nothing, not even an oil stain floating on the water.

4. In a court case involving an arms deal with Iran, a witness claimed that £ 1 million had been paid by a British company to a "negotiator" who helped close a deal for the supply of tanks and other military equipment to that country.
    在一桩涉及对伊朗武器销售的案子中,一位证人声称一家英国公司曾付给某 "洽谈人"100万英镑。此人帮忙做成了一笔向伊朗提供坦克和其他军事设施的交易。