1. For it produces a resentful animal who at a later stage may well turn man-killer.

2. The psychiatrists declared the killer insane.

3. The fish are not sharks or killer whales, but favourite eating varieties like cod and skate which grow to unnatural sizes, sometimes as much as twelve feet in length.

4. The killer tried the first door; she wasn't there.

5. He had survived a face-to-face encounter with the greatest killer of the forest.

6. A man looked out from his apartment and gave a description of the killer's second attack.

7. Meanwhile, another powerful killer of bacteria and viruses was discovered, again by accident.

8. One such powerful killer was discovered in the autumn of 1928.

9. While the other side of Chaplin makes Monsieur Verdoux, the French wife killer, into a symbol of hatred for women.

10. For it produces a resentful animal who at a later stage may well turn man-killer.