1. The cat curled up on my knee. 小猫在我膝上蜷作一团。
2. The blood had congealed round the cut on her knee. 血液在她的膝盖伤口周围凝固了.
3. A karate black belt chopped my knee when I sparred with him. 我和一个空手道黑带对打时,他砍了我膝盖.
4. One of them was holding an old spelling book on his knee; and they all looked sadly at the master. 有个人还在膝上放着一本旧拼写书。他们个个都忧郁地望着老师。
5. I knelt on one knee over him. 我单膝跪在他旁边。
6. I twisted the bandage round her knee. 我用绷带缠住了她的膝盖.