1. There is a story that holds that high heels were first brought to America by a famous New Orleans madam who discovered that she could charge twice as much when a woman wore high heels.

2. Do you like this dress, madam?

3. Alas, they´ve all sold out, madam.
    哎呀, 都卖光了, 小姐.

4. Assistant: Do you like this dress, madam?
    营业员: 夫人, 您喜欢这件连衣裙吗?

5. At a village fair, I decided to visit a fortune-teller called Madam Bellinsky.
    在一个乡村集市上,我决定去拜访一位名叫 Bellinsky 的算命人。

6. Assistant: Do you like this dress, madam?
    营业员: 夫人, 您喜欢这件连衣裙吗?

7. At a village fair, I decided to visit a fortune-teller called Madam Bellinsky.

8. As soon as I went outside, I forgot all about Madam Bellinsky because my wife hurried towards me.

9. Judith Martin, in her writings under the name of "Miss Manners", suggests the phrase, "Most honored sir or madam".
    朱迪斯·马丁在用笔名"礼仪小姐" 撰写的著作里建议这样称呼:"尊敬的先生/夫人"。

10. Can you change this ten-pound note, madam?