1. When a local baseball team found itself without a manager, he kept it going.

2. What you communicate through your kind of dress definitely influences others to accept the picture of yourself you are projecting: in the business world, the person who dresses like a successful manager is most likely to be promoted into a managing p

3. The new manager was delegated to reorganize the department.

4. The manager is a little gnome of a man.

5. The company have named him as manager.

6. The manager was unable to attend but sent his deputy as a substitute.
    经理不能出席, 派了个副手代表他.

7. The assistant asked him to leave, but Dickie paid no attention to him and requested to see the manager.

8. The manager was sympathetic, but he could do nothing.

9. Twenty-eight-year-old Marissa Parry was returning home from her job as manager of a bar (酒吧).

10. Two years ago, a 15-member team at the 115-year-old teaching hospital, under pressure to cut costs from a health maintenance organization (HMO), was given permission by the hospital's top manager to find a way to get the tube removed sooner.