1. Where alternative sources of power are available there are some marked contrasts in handling.
    凡是能源有选择余地的地方, 在处理方面有些显著的差别.

2. The essay is marked by lucidity and elegance.

3. The stakes marked his property.

4. The curious thing was that the lake was not marked on the map.

5. His theory marked a new epoch in mathematics.

6. His life is marked by vicissitude.

7. She marked the paper with a dot.

8. Set up on a downtown parking lot, its entrance marked by a massive sign that reads, in English, "Good Music from Your Body Heart on the World Line",
    它建在市中心的一个停车场上,入口处有一巨大的招牌,上面用英文写着"在世界线上从你心底发出的优美音乐"(Good Music from Your Body Heart on the World Line)。"

9. One day a while ago marked the first anniversary of Mr. Torres's hiring.

10. It marked the end of the great tradition of ships with sails and the beginning of a new era.