1. But for ten years, while he continued to experiment with penicillin, his discovery was largely ignored by the medical world. 以后的十年里,他继续做盘尼西林试验,但他的发现根本没有引起医学界的重视。
2. Before being allowed to leave the police for medical reasons, they lost between them 12,000 days on sick leave: the equivalent of 50 police officers off the street for a full year. 在因健康原因而获准退休前,他们共请病假12,000日,相当于50名警员休假一年。
3. Why do you have so much medical knowledge? 你为何有这么多医学知识?
4. Welfare sent Suzanne to look around in my apartment the other day because the chemist said I was using a larger than usual amount of medical supplies. 前几天,由于药剂师说我使用的医疗用品超出常量,于是福利部门派苏珊娜到我的住所调查。
5. When you're faced with an immediate temptation, remind yourself of your long-term goals — whether they be losing weight or getting a medical degree. 面临着唾手可得的诱惑,提醒自己别忘了自己的长远目标--不管它是什么,减肥也好,拿医学学位也好。
6. The government is responsible for the provision of medical services. 政府负责提供医疗服务.
7. Timely rendition of medical care saved his life. 由于对他进行了及时治疗, 他的性命保住了。
8. The majority of the patients attending the medical out-patients departments of our hospitals feel that 在医院门诊部看病的大多数人觉得,
9. The Americans would happily reach one accord on standards for medical devices and then hammer out different pacts covering, say, electronic goods and drug manufacturing. 美国人很愿意就医疗器械的标准达成一个协议,然后推敲出不同的合同,用以涵盖 -- 比如说 -- 电子产品和药品的生产。
10. The Red Cross emblem is now used by the medical services of hospitals, ambulances, and hospital ships. 现在,红十字会的标志用在医院、救护车、医疗船上。