1. Every time a packet left her hands, the hateful yellow face of the officer who had taken her son away flared up in her mind. 每当一小捆传单从她手中发出去时,她的脑海中就会闪现出那个把她儿子带走的军官那张可恶的黄色的脸。
2. Books were to him tools for his mind, not luxuries. 书对他来说是他大脑的工具,而不是奢侈品。
3. But some parents already produce second children with nonfatal transplants in mind, and many experts do not oppose this. 但有些父母已经生了第二个小孩,目的是进行一些非致命器官的移植, 对此许多专家也不反对。
4. Worry is a spasm of the emotion; the mind catches hold of something and will not let it go. 烦恼是感情的一阵发作;脑子被某件事纠缠着而又抛不开它。
5. Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand. 胸中有知识,胜于手中有金钱。
6. While clothing serves a purely practical function, how you dress also communicates many things about your social status, state of mind and even your aspirations and dreams. 尽管衣服纯粹服务于一种实用目的,但你的着装方式也会传递很多东西,如你的社会地位、思想状况,甚至你的渴望和梦想。
7. What qualities of the mind or spirit, in short, determine who succeeds? 一句话,心智或精神的何种素质决定了人的成功?
8. The poor woman´s mind has been deranged for many years. 女人已精神错乱好几年了。
9. The resentment festered in his mind. 他心中的愤恨有增无已.
10. The teacher looked about him as if he wished to impress upon his mind everything in the room. 老师在环顾四周,仿佛要把教室里的每一件东西都牢牢记在心里.