1. Want to get rich? Become famous? You don't have to be a film star or a basketball player or a musician. You can do it by becoming an inventor. 想富起来吗?想出名吗?你并不一定要成为影星、篮球运动员或音乐家。你可以通过当发明家来实现自己的梦想。
2. She is a fine musician. 她是位优秀的音乐家.
3. Mozart was a talented musician. 莫扎特是位天才的音乐家。
4. Mozart's father was a musician employed at a noble's court who was teaching his son to sing and play almost before he could walk. 莫扎特的父亲是个受雇于贵族宫廷的音乐家,他在儿子还不会走路时就教他唱歌、弹奏乐器。