1. Barbie's boyfriend, Ken, was introduced in 1961 and named after Barbara's brother.

2. For on November 21st, 1964, the longest suspension bridge in the world was named after him.

3. We will visit a boy named Charlie Green.

4. When Augustus Octavian became emperor after Caesar´s death, he also named a month for himself — August.

5. Word last week that a scientist named Ian Wilmut had succeeded in cloning an adult mammal — an achievement long thought impossible — caught the imagination of everyone.

6. Then, almost 400 years ago, an Italian scientist named Galileo began to question Aristotle´s theory of falling objects.
    后来, 大约在四百年前, 一位名叫伽利略的意大利科学家开始怀疑亚里斯多德的落体学说.

7. The company have named him as manager.

8. This ran on an ´operating system´ called DOS, produced by a then small company named Microsoft.

9. The story goes that Augustus could not bear to have Julius Caesar´s month longer than the one he named himself.

10. The cloned lamb, named Dolly, has the exact same genes as the adult sheep from which she was cloned.