1. But if a nation is disunited, the government cannot be sure that the actions of the people will be in the interests of the nation; and it will have to watch, check, and control the people accordingly.

2. But the nation is slowly disintegrating.

3. By 1989, almost every nation on earth had established a program educating its people about AIDS, according to Jonathan Mann, director of the World Health Organization's (WHO) International Program on AIDS.

4. We are willing to do business with any nation on a basis of equality and mutual benefit.

5. The war caused great detriment to the nation´s economy.

6. The nation enjoyed exuberant prosperity.

7. The United Nation is an international organization.

8. The nation was reunited and the slaves were set free.
    国家重新统一了, 奴隶获得了自由.

9. The United Nation is a large organization.

10. The nation was reunited and the slaves were set free.
    国家重新统一了, 奴隶获得了自由.