1. Whatsoever nonsense the newspapers print, some people always believe it.
    无论报纸上刊登什么荒谬的东西, 总会有人相信。

2. In Modern Times in 1936, the first film in which he was heard as a singing waiter, he made up a nonsense language which sounded like no known nationality.

3. That´s nonsense.Without money, I would be so sad I would commit suicide at once.

4. At first , Robert Fulton´s plans for his steamboat were derided as chimerical nonsense.

5. "Fuss!" she hotly replied. "Nonsense! How can you say such a thing!
    "大惊小怪!" 她急急回道,"瞎说,你怎么这么说!

6. "Oh, nonsense; I´ll be very careful. Now let me try. Say, I´ll give you the core of my apple."

7. Love is meant to bring meaning into life where nonsense appears to rule.

8. It is characteristic of him to talk nonsense.