1. Why wasn´t it possible to observe the electric discharge in the usual way?"

2. The aim was to look like street people and to observe what difference that made in the way other people responded to us — whether the appearance of poverty would invite prejudice on us.

3. So it is with personal disappointment that I observe the current tendency to keep out new arrivals.

4. Most animals we commonly observe do in fact age as we do, if given the chance to live long enough;

5. In 1948, he went to lake Kivu in the Congo to observe a new volcano which he later named Kituro.
    1948 年他到刚果的基伍湖去观察一个新火山,后来他给这座火山起名为基图罗。

6. In 1948, he went to Lake Kivu in the Congo to observe a new volcano which he later named Kituro.

7. I reach for the light switch, and as it silently lights the scene, I return to the bed to observe the patient with an unemotional, medical eye.