1. By a quirk of fate, Humboldt and Bonpland met Mariano Luis de Urquijo, Prime Minister of Spain, who was able to obtain for them the permission to visit the Spanish empire in South America.

2. Where can I obtain a copy of her latest book?

3. The journalist immediately set out to obtain these important facts,

4. The procedure for determining that such unions are not tricks to obtain the treasured green card takes time (sometimes separating couples for more than a year, I later learned).
    要确认这种婚姻并不是为了取得宝贵的绿卡而耍的花招,需要费很长时间 (我后来知道,它有时会使夫妻分居1年多)。

5. The second category covers payments made to obtain quicker official approval of some project, to speed up the wheels of government.

6. Nor could he have foreseen how we could use the Internet to obtain information on every known subject,

7. Almost everyone uses the telephone to conduct business, to chat with friends, to make or break social appointments, to say “Thank you,” to shop and to obtain all kinds of information.
    几乎每个人都在用电话做生意、与朋友聊天、安排或取消社交约会、说声 “谢谢”、 购物、或去获得各种信息。

8. Still others are afraid to say no to their children's endless requests for toys for fear that their children will infer they are unloved or will be made fun of if they don't obtain the same toys their friends have.