1. We carried plastic bags of nameless possessions. 我们提着装有差得难以启齿的物品的塑料袋。
2. The plastic bowl is broken. 那个塑料碗破了.
3. They used to suffer for about 37 hours after surgery on average with a plastic tube as thick as a thumb running through their mouth or nose and down 11 inches of their throat. 过去,手术后病人平均要疼大约37个小时,一根拇指粗细的塑料导管经口腔或鼻腔插入喉咙,深至11英寸。
4. Heat deforms plastic. 热使塑料变形。
5. Asked to reveal her secret, she said: "I poured it in a plastic bag and dipped it in ice water." 当被问道有什么秘诀时,她说:"我把葡萄酒倒进塑料袋里,再把袋子浸入冰水中。"
6. Plastic material is extruded through very small holes to form fibres. 塑料从微孔挤压出来形成纤维。
7. Plastic surgery has developed rapidly in recent years. 近年来整形外科手术进展很快。
8. People may live well past a hundred years, be equipped with plastic body parts, and eat man-made foods. 人们身上安装着塑料的人体器官,吃着人造的食品,可以活过百岁。
9. Imagine a small plastic card that holds all manner of information about you on a tiny memory chip (芯片): 设想一下一张小小的塑料卡,在微小的记忆芯片上存有关于你的所有信息: