1. Eventually I acquired just enough control to move over to the exit platform.

2. Balanced at the edge of a narrow white platform, I am about to jump head first into a hot new phase of Japan's leisure boom: indoor sky diving, without a parachute.

3. Which platform?

4. This platform would serve as a port and a railway station.

5. This was surprising because I had trained mostly on the platform.

6. He said that it would be possible to build a platform in the centre of the Channel.

7. An even harder situation is to be on the platform in good time for a train and still to see it go off without you.

8. As the train approaches the station, it's a rainy day, and the platform is nearly empty.
    火车驶近车站时, 天正在下雨,月台上几乎空无一人。

9. At the trials, one month prior to the finals, I took first place on the ten-meter platform and on the springboard!

10. Afraid to look at the score-board, I watched Ron's face. Suddenly he leaped into the air, the crowd cheered, and I knew I'd won — two gold medals, one for the three-meter springboard, one for the ten-meter platform.