1. We are playing football on the playground. 我们在操场上踢足球.
2. The creation of new playground will benefit the local children. 新游乐场的建立将给当地的孩子带来益处。
3. Across the playground, a girl falls off the bottom of the slide and bursts into tears. 操场的对面,一个女孩从滑梯的底端滑出来,呜呜地哭了起来。
4. Sam is now a year and a half old, big enough to cross the playground's bouncy bridge himself. 山姆现在一岁半了,有能力自己穿过操场上的蹦蹦桥。
5. I'm sitting on a bench at the playground, eating a chicken salad next to four woman nannies, all twice my age. 我坐在操场旁的长椅上,吃着一份鸡肉色拉,旁边有四个女保姆,年龄都比我大一倍。