1. Beware of methylated alcohol, which is very poisonous, and should never be added to drinking water. 要提防甲基化酒精,那是剧毒的,永远不能掺入饮用水。
2. The marijuana is poisonous. 大麻是有毒的.
3. No,I am brave.Are the snakes poisonous? 不,我很勇敢,那些蛇有毒吗?
4. No,I am brave.Are the snakes poisonous? 不,我很勇敢,那些蛇有毒吗?
5. Just as the thousands of non-poisonous snakes still do. 就像今天成千上万的无毒蛇那样。
6. Some snakes have a poisonous bite. 有些蛇咬了是有毒的。
7. Supplements may produce a feeling of wanting to throw up, and may be poisonous in some cases. 服用铁离子补剂可能使人想呕吐,有时甚至还会引起中毒。
8. I read in the newspaper and in my gardening magazine that the ends of cigarettes are so poisonous that if a baby swallows one, it is likely to die, 我在报纸及我订阅的园艺杂志上看到, 烟蒂的毒性是很强的:一个婴儿如果吞下了一个烟蒂,就很有可能会死去;