1. Eventually, a man speaking broken Polish approaches us, takes us to the ticket window, and then helps us board our train.

2. The Russian Tsar would not allow Polish children to study the history of their own country or even their own language.

3. Quick hands grabbed all the Polish history books off the desks, and hid them away.

4. Haroun Tazieff, the Polish scientist, has spent his lifetime studying active volcanoes and deep caves in all parts of the world.

5. He moved all three matches from east to west and said that was what should be done — meaning that much of the new Poland should be carved out of Germany and that the Soviet Union should retain the Polish territory seized on the basis of the Nazi-Sovi

6. "So, my little Polish patriot, you do not wish to tell me who rules over us," the Russian inspector said.

7. These are not the friendly fields, the farmyards of Polish countryside;

8. In my heart as well as in the mirror, I became a permanent brown — like the best shoe polish, guaranteed not to rub nor run.
    不仅在镜中,也在内心深处,我变成了永远不黑不白的棕色人-- 就像那最好的鞋油,不会被抹掉,也永不褪色。

9. For example, there's the story of a Polish Jew who came to Canada and became prosperous (he's now a millionaire !) by producing Polish pickles.
    例如, 有一个波兰籍的犹太人来到加拿大,通过腌制波兰泡菜而发了财!(他现在是个百万富翁!)