1. He polished his spectacles with a handkerchief before answering. 回答之前, 他用手帕擦拭了一下眼镜。
2. His dark eyes shone like polished glass; his arms and legs moved unexpectedly, as if attached to unseen wires. 他深色的眼睛里闪着光,好似擦亮了的玻璃;他手臂和双腿冷不防地移动着,就好像是连着看不见的电线似的。
3. Aunt Harriet presided over an invisible army of servants that continuously scrubbed, cleaned, and polished. 哈丽特姑妈统率着一支看不见的佣人大军,他们不停地擦拭、清扫、刷洗。
4. Highly polished silver was displayed in gleaming glass cabinets; 擦得发亮的银器陈列在明亮的玻璃柜里,