1. The postman delivers letters.

2. The postman brought me a large package.

3. The postman has brought a parcel for you.

4. This time it was the postman and he wanted me to sign for a registered letter!

5. This time it was the postman and he wanted me to sign for a registered letter!

6. Are you a postman?

7. So many transactions and exchanges are going to be made through this medium — banking, shopping, communication, and information — that those who have to rely on the postman to send their correspondence risk really falling behind," he says.
    那么多的交易、交换都将通过这一媒体进行 -- 银行业务、购物、通信、信息 -- 因此那些只能靠邮递员发送信件的人实在是有落伍的危险了。"

8. Postman (邮递员), Postman