1. The hardened professional smuggler is never troubled by such feelings.

2. The hardened professional smuggler, on the other hand, is never troubled by such feelings, even if he has five hundred gold watches hidden in his suitcase.

3. The fourth time he fell into the hands of a professional slave-catcher, who promptly had the man´s foot cut off with an axe against a tree stump.

4. The people doing the confirming always appear very professional, while seeming to say you're not.

5. Naturally, the name change didn't cause Debbie / Lynne's professional achievement — but it surely helped if only by adding a bit of self-confidence to her talents.
    当然, 黛比 (或林恩) 的职业成就并不是改名带来的,但是它肯定给她带来了好处,虽说改名仅使她对自己的才能增加了一点点自信。

6. He is a professional footballer.

7. He is a professional journalist.

8. Here no professional teachers, but parents, brothers and sisters, nurses and playmates; there teachers specially trained to teach languages.

9. "That's very common in professional women.

10. And when male high-school students are asked what kinds of careers they would like to have, the only two job fields that consistently receive large numbers of responses in open surveys are "professional athlete" and "media personality&