1. Education concerning how to survive an earthquake should be a major emphasis for all government programs and earthquake-related research projects. 教育人们如何在地震中幸存下来,应该是所有政府规划和地震研究项目的重点所在。
2. But there's a vast difference between the breeding programs as practiced by some groups (where the urge to breed certain types of people leads to efforts to destroy other types) and the much more harmless forms already practiced in democratic societi 但是,某些团体实施的培育项目和在民主社会里已经实施的更为无害的培育方式,二者之间存在着天壤之别:前者为迫切地培育某类人而对其余的人进行毁灭,而后者,比如说律师,则是通过自由地选择与别的律师发生性关系得以实现。
3. This Central American country has one of the most ambitious programs in the world to reserve the ecological diversity of its tropical rain forests. 这个中美洲国家为保护其热带雨林的生态多样性,已制订出世界上最为雄心勃勃的的规划之一。
4. To reach more people in the community, some AIDS educational programs operate out of a beauty shop. 为接触更多的社区居民,有些艾滋病教育计划放在美发店实施。
5. To avoid the controversy of other character programs used in US schools, Gauld says the concept of doing your best has nothing to do with forcing the students to accept a particular set of morals or religious values. 为了避免美国中学使用的其他品格培养方案所引发的争议,高尔德解释说,"全力以赴"这一概念并不是要强迫学生接受某一套道德原则或宗教观念。
6. Despite such alarming numbers, the federal and state governments have been slow in implementing programs to stop the spread of AIDS. 尽管数量大得惊人,但各州和联邦政府在实施防止艾滋病蔓延的计划方面行动迟缓。
7. So our government set up special programs to tempt foreign graduates. 所以我国政府制订了专项计划来吸引海外留学生。
8. Many schools have started conflict resolution programs to calm tensions that otherwise can build up like a volcano preparing to explode, ultimately resulting in physical violence. 许多学校都已经启动了化解冲突的工作项目,以舒缓紧张形势,要不然它们就会像火山一样蓄势待发,最终导致侵犯人身的暴力行为。
9. “It's the specifics that tear roommates apart,” says the assistant director of residential programs at a university in Ohio. "都是具体的事情弄得室友四分五裂,"俄亥俄州一所大学的宿舍管理处主任助理如是说。
10. “The contract gives us permission to talk about issues which students forget or are afraid to talk about,” says the director of residential programs. 宿舍管理处主任说:"合同允许我们处理一些同学们没有想到或不愿谈及的问题。"