1. But they have provided no details about the state of security.

2. They provided bountiful assistance.

3. The test provided us with a pragmatic analysis of the value of this course.

4. They provided some statistical information.

5. The Victorians, realizing that the greatest happiness accorded to man is that provided by a happy marriage.
    维多利亚时代的人领会到, 赋于人生最大的幸福乃来自幸福的婚姻.

6. There would be windows, of course, but they might be fairly expensive; besides, most people wouldn´t feel the need for them provided there were suitable interior decorations.

7. This step was taken in 1898 by Italian biologists, who provided the last missing link in man´s search for the cause of malaria.

8. Quite obviously he felt that it would be much more dangerous for the Soviet Union to be outside any world organization than to be in it, provided it could block actions it did not like.

9. He provided information to the enemy after his defection.

10. During the struggle for independence in the 1950s, Kenyan women often secretly provided troops with weapons and spied on the positions of colonial forces.