1. By this time, a Lancaster bomber in reasonable condition was rare and worth rescuing.

2. It is quite reasonable to regard the sea floor as the basic form of the crust of the earth, with, superimposed upon, it the continents, together with the islands and other features of the oceans.

3. The laws are based either on "community property" (split evenly) or on "reasonable distribution" (whatever a judge thinks is "fair").

4. These children showed a reasonable level of happiness and were very alert during periods of study.

5. No reasonable person could refuse.

6. As a reasonable guess, they might, on an average, be 100 light years away.(A light year is the distance which light travels at 186,000 miles per second in one year, namely 6 million million miles.)

7. Cloning is a radical challenge to the most fundamental laws of biology, so it's reasonable to be concerned that it might be a preface to activities that will threaten human society and dignity.

8. On the contrary, officials of another government bureau report, "no reasonable explanation to date has been made for the vanishings."

9. Let's assume they come from the "unconscious." This is reasonable, for psychologists use this term to describe mental processes which are unknown to the individual.

10. In 95 percent of the cases a sympathetic, reasonable decision can be made after appropriate discussion.