1. We can see it only when the sun is shining on it, or when sunlight is reflected on to it from the earth. 只有在阳光照射到月亮上或阳光从地球折射到月亮上时,我们才能看到月亮。
2. The placid lake reflected the image of the old castle. 那平静的湖面上映着古堡的影像。
3. The glass reflected her face. 玻璃杯映出了她的脸。
4. The sleet stuck to the branches of trees and reflected the light from the street lamps. 冻雨凝结在树枝上,反射着街灯发出的光。
5. A sound made by taping on the hull of a ship will be reflected from the sea bottom. 轻叩船体发出的声响会从海底反射回来,
6. A sound made by tapping on the hull of a ship will be reflected from the sea bottom, 通过敲击空船发出的声音将会从海底反射回来。
7. I reflected that there must be a great many people besides myself who wished to take advantage of this excellent service. 我想除我之外,想利用快车之便的也一定大有人在。