1. Both girls write to each other regularly now. 现在这两位姑娘定期通信了。
2. We meet regularly for the fellowship. 为了增进友谊, 我们定期碰面。
3. Water the plant regularly to keep the soil moist. 按时给植物浇水以保持土壤湿润.
4. Whatever the truth may be, planes and ships regularly disappear in the triangle. 不论真相如何,飞机和船只仍常常消失在这个三角地带。
5. They should regularly check and reinforce their homes, place heavy objects in low positions, attach cupboards and cabinets to walls, and fasten doors so that they will not open accidentally during an earthquake. 他们应当定期检查和加固房屋,将重物放在低处,将碗橱和柜子贴墙放置,加固房门以防地震时突然脱开。
6. These are the people who regularly have to tackle the increasing number of criminals who are prepared to carry guns. 特警通常要对付日益增多的携带枪支的犯罪分子。
7. Data from twelve industrialized countries found that women employed in regular jobs worked about 20 percent longer hours than regularly employed men. 从12个工业国家收集的数据中发现:较之男性普通雇员,女性普通雇员的工作时间多20%。
8. Against these figures, it was found that only 5% of women snore regularly, 与这些数字相比,只有5% 的女性经常打鼾;
9. According to a 1991 government report, "50 percent of employers regularly use medical record information for hiring and promotion purposes. 据一份1991年的政府报告称:"50%的雇主经常用医疗档案里的信息来决定是否雇用或提拔某人。
10. She carried the leaflets regularly to the factory, looking upon this as her duty. 她经常把传单带进工厂,并把这看作是自己的职责。