1. Education concerning how to survive an earthquake should be a major emphasis for all government programs and earthquake-related research projects.

2. By measuring how closely current populations are related, the authors trace the routes by which early humans migrated around the earth.

3. Because Australia's native people and black Africans share such superficial characteristics as skin color and body shape, they were widely assumed to be closely related.

4. We know instinctively,that misfortune might overtake us if the important events of our lives were not related to it.

5. We know instinctively, just as beekeepers with their bees, that misfortune might overtake us if the important events of our lives were not related to it.

6. It still seemed no more related to my daily life than a "60 Minutes" program.

7. We can even, if we want, interpret the term "family" to include people who are not related to us either by blood or marriage — a set of close friends who support one another, like the women I mentioned above.
    愿意的话我们甚至可以把 "家庭"看作包括一些与我们既无血缘关系、又无婚姻关系的人 --一些互相扶持的亲密朋友,就像前面所提到的那些女士。

8. These characteristics are related to each other.

9. The report was released Tuesday by the Population Council, an international organization based in New York that studies issues related to child bearing.

10. Nor is DMV data used solely for matters related to driving.