1. What a relief it was when the boulders suddenly disappeared,

2. When they arrived at the house Easton opened the door, and after making some entries in his note-book the officer went away, much to the relief of Easton, who went upstairs, set the hands of the clock right and started it going.

3. What a relief (松口气). I'm feeling totally lacking in organization (杂乱无序), mainly because I am totally lacking in organization.

4. The medicine brought me relief.

5. Today, enough soundings are available to enable a relief map of the Atlantic to be drawn and we know something of the great variety of the sea bed´s topography.

6. The members of the Red Cross are always among the first who hurry to the scene and are always equipped to bring help and relief.

7. Today the work goes on, for at any moment disaster may strike somewhere, and the Red Cross must be ready to journey to the ends of the earth, if necessary, and bring relief.

8. To my tremendous relief, it worked.

9. He breathed a sigh of relief.

10. Hopkins came back and, to the relief of everybody, reported nothing more than a mild attack of indigestion.