1. But a watch could never repair itself----it does not consist of living parts, only of metal, which wears away by friction.

2. Buried somewhere in deep grass there is a rusting lawn mower which I have promised to repair one day.

3. By the time Ben was tired out, Tom had traded the next chance to Billy Fisher for a kite in good repair; and when he played out, Johnny Miller bought in for a dead rat and a string to swing it with; and so on, and so on, hour after hour.

4. We could, at one time, repair ourselves----well enough, at least, to overcome all but the most instantly fatal illnesses and accidents.

5. Well, they´re trying to repair it, sir.

6. The process of recuperation and repair begins.

7. There is a hole in my shoe--can you repair it?

8. Then the medical worker called the wheelchair repair companies to get the cheapest bid.

9. NASA is now going to put the telescope right, so it will soon be sending up four astronauts to repair it.

10. ´I´m trying to repair the bell,´ answered Bill.